March 23rd 2018

Planet Woman Fitness is a female only gym in Kamloops BC that provides personal training and gym memberships in our Valleyview and Brock locations. If you have never been to our facilities, come talk with one of our wellness consultants and see what our women only gym has to offer. What are the benefits of exercising at a facility where only ladies are welcome? Whether you’re coming for our environment, customized workout, personal trainers, or female support system, we have what you need to start achieving your goals.
Before we get going, we just want to make sure our stance on this topic is clear. We believe a women’s only gym is a great place for us to exercise together. If you ever read online about this topic, you will see that the jury is split on whether or not women only gyms, or areas within non-segregated gyms, are helpful for achieving fitness goals. One side argues that women’s gyms are negative in many ways and that we all need to “get over it” and challenge ourselves to exercise in front of men. Whether or not that’s true, many women aren’t ready to do that. Should we exclude them from the opportunity to exercise at a gym? Of course not! That’s where we stand. We want to help each other get to the gym!
Planet Woman Fitness is different than the stereotypical “women’s section” of a gym. We provide all the free weights and machines necessary for achieving your health goals just like if you were to attend a gym where both genders work out. With that is mind, here are a few benefits of a females only fitness centre:
More Comfortable
Many of us feel more comfortable doing our workouts exclusively in the presence of other women. Female only gyms can be more popular for this reason! With no members of the opposite sex, there are none of the distractions or embarrassments that can come with working out in front of men.
Customized Workout
It’s no surprise to learn that men and women’s bodies have different fitness needs. At Planet Woman, the equipment is handpicked and customized to our bodies’ needs and physiques - instead of being set up for general use. This means that you will be able to spend more time exercising and less time making large adjustments to a piece of equipment that a large, muscular man recently used. That will save you time in your workout! It can also reduce the possibility of you hurting yourself by using a machine that is not set up right for you.
Personal Trainers Who Specialize In Exercise for Women
At Planet Woman Fitness, our experienced personal trainers work exclusively with women. You can be assured that your trainer will be giving you advice that has been proven to work for ladies. They can show you how to adjust equipment properly and help you achieve the best possible level of fitness you can imagine!
Whatever your reasons, come to Planet Woman Fitness to work towards your fitness goals! We are open 24 hours a day in our Kamloops locations so that you can come at the most convenient time for you. While here you can find all the tools you will need to build a strong and healthy body that you’ll be proud of! Contact us if you have any questions.